Friday, January 25, 2008

Grasp organic gardening practices

Today, organic gardening is done on both small and large scales. With more health awareness than ever before, organic gardening is becoming more and more common all the time.

I'm sure most of us have had grandparents, moms and dad's or neighbors do the regular gardening practices. Take the tiller and rip up a chunk of ground. It's maybe good for the first couple years, but then again over time, the weeds take over. Maybe the summer rains have let your garden get away from you, and that "lovely" garden you once had is now a disaster! Well, most would run to a local lawn or garden center to get the best chemical that can kill those nasty weeds that are robbing your fruits and vegetables. After a couple years of really working your garden ground hard, it's actually getting better. It's amazing what a little spray can do to rid both weeds and insect pests. In the fall we might go buy some fertilizer to incorporate into the soil to be dang sure we're going to get a bumper crop next year. Some will go by the motto that if I don't get time to pull the weeds, the chemicals can do it easier and better. It's often a quicker way to garden, that's for sure.

In recent years there has been a lot of talk about organic gardening and natural health. No you may be wondering what exactly is organic gardening? Organic gardening is simply using compost and manures, or "natural things" to produce you garden fruits and vegetables. To put it very plainly, it is not using common pesticides and fertilizers to apply to your garden area.

The typical organic gardener would tend to their garden in a much different way. The organic gardener before tearing up ground would first do a soil test to find out how many chemicals and insecticides are in their spot that they're looking at for a future garden spot. They would do the same as the regular gardener and till up a nice garden patch. Maybe for a little kick they would add some fertilizer, but not that salty stuff you can buy in stores, but some garden magic. Composting is a perfect way to create the perfect growing environment for your organic garden, and it is not nearly expensive as that bagged stuff you can buy from stores! Once the ground has warmed up, they would get out and seed the crop, and oftentimes allot time each day to go out and weed and maintain the garden! Pulling weeds when they are small, prevents future ones from setting seed. Yes, the wind, birds, and weather sure test our gardening skills, but keeping the garden under control will provide you with an excellent crop at the end of the season.

Do you like your vegetables perfect and round with no insect pressure, or are you more able to withstand a little insect pressure and know that you'll live longer because you're not taking in those harmful chemicals?

For some neat tips, tools and advice on not only on compost tumblers and rototillers but nearly anything to do with the backyard click here Backyard Euphoria is full of advice and ever changing!

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